C'est la vie

QUOTES TO LIVE BY; To accomplish great things, we must not only dream, but act; It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult; Smile: if you can't lift the corners, let the middle sag; You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


A week after I got back from South Africa I went to TO with my friends. I'd received tickets fo Cirque de Soliel for my b-day. It's great being overseas and celebrating your b-day 2 1/2 months later, I have no complaints. The show was absolutley amazing, I've never seen anything to breathtaking and entertaining, I recommend that if anyone has the chance to go see the show to not let is slip by.

We spent all of Saturday at Wonderland. I'm one of those ppl that will ride anything as long as I'm strapped, however, I dont' do those clanky wooden rollar coasters (bad experience). Anyways, while we were driving back to Lily's place Matt had to pull over so I could puke. I didn't puke from all those rides I was on all day......NOPE! I puked because I had eaten a big bag of gummi bears all to myself while waiting for my friends to get on a ride. So on the way home I was really tired, we were lost, and so I puked because I got car sick. Moral of the story, don't eat a big bag of candy all to yourself after you've been riding rollar coasters ALL DAY:)

Plus: my grandma came down from Boston for a week to visit. My little cousins are such cuties.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Joe Slovo -- Sunday Library

For those of you that wanted to see pics from Sunday Library, here are some of the pics (I still haven't posted up mine cause Jen's got them on her computer she needs to dl off her digital camera). But these ones are from when Patty went prior to my visit, so credit to her for the pics.

As you can see the squatter camps are a mere shack after shack. The roofs are held together either by large rocks or barrels to hold it down.

You will never see anything close to the resemblance of Joe Slovo here in Canada. My roomates every Sunday would often go to Sunday Library to read to the kids. While living in J'burg I never had the chance to though I really wanted to so bad. Despite living in Pretoria, it was obvious that we missed our friends in J'burg tremendously. So my roommated Jen and I would go down to J'burg on the weekends, whenever we could catch a ride with a friend.

So after having a Brit night we finally went to Sun. Library. Caroline and Raj had to pick up the new intern early that morning. Its funny you drive just minutes away from the city thinking this slum is miles away, only to discover that it's just blocks away. It was exactly as I had pictured it from the pics I'd seen online, crowded. Jon went around rallying up the kids and Jen and I began reading and colouring with the kids. Before we knew it we had a huge crowd. I began doing oragami with the kids, which was a huge it.

You discover that kids are kids regardless of where you are.

Pics from Lesotho

Finally got my hands on the pics taken from our trip to Lesotho....thanks Tereje! Before I even landed in South Africa I knew....I just had to go to Lesotho....why well it all started when I went to my travel doctor. He had spent a few years in Swaziland and Lesotho doing research on HIV and Aids, as a result, it totally sparked my interest. So after discovering that that the landscape was absolutley gorgeous on the internet, I knew that I had to do some sort of pony trek tour.....one way or another. Luckily enough when I got to J'burg, some of my new roomates were planning a trip and before I knew it I was joining them.

The weather in Lesotho is definitely alot colder than South Africa because of the high altitude. During my stay in South Africa it was winter, so the nights were really cold. Your thinking...whatever...yeah right. When you come from a country with central heating and you've got a huge broken window in your bedroom....I"m sure you too will say its cold at night. The days are lovely about 25 - 28 degrees, but the nights are cold dropping to like 5 degrees. I told my family and friends it was like camping in the autum, mind you I enjoy camping and winter is my favorite season, and this weather was too much for me. Boy do I love central heating.

So you can imagine how much colder Lesotho was. While in Lesotho I remember waking up one night in our dorm and breathing into the hair, only to see smoke from my breath, that's how cold it was. You think Africa is boiling hot, well it isn't always. To your suprise, it even snows in Lesotho in the mountains. Enough snow that you can ski and snow shoe.

The guys decide to do some quading.

Resting at the dorm, back on the South Africa side and making some dinner. All I remember from that night was that we all drank way too much! How managed to get to the top of my bunk bed, I still have NO CLUE!

After nearly not crossing the border from Lesotho back in SA we had so much trouble finding a place to stay. The only place that could accomodate us, most of us to sleep outside in a tent (it was really ....really cold to), so we decided to driver further to the next town, and luckily found this backpackers that was amazing (hidden in the middle of no where....it was so stranded that we were his only guest)

Bende and Stein during our hike at Sani Top Chalet.

We stopped in this little town for a bathroom break for the girls (beer for the guys). Anyways, everyone was staring at us....well because we stuck out so much. The funniest part was the bathroom (out house ) we used was at a bar....you know how cars are usually parked outside....they had their donkies lined up by the bar (so cute).

Our stay at Sani Top Chalet (home of the hightest pub in Africa)

We lost Bende for awhile, he was trailing behind us when were were walking. Only to discover that he was sitting at the edge of the cliff pondering about LIFE.

Rego rewarding himself for job well done, hiking to the top.

Can you see the shadow?

The grass was so spotty and long.....I honestly thought I'd find some sort of snake, but luckily no.

This little cutie was just a few hours hold. He's lost is mother and was crying like crazy. Since the stable was right outside our cabin we went to take a look. Once it saw us, is wouldn't leave us along and kept on following us around the grounds. He kept chewing on my pants.

Typical dirt roads that cirle around the mountains.

The gorgeous view outside our chalet

We first arrived at the Chalet at about 4:30pm and it was extremely foggy, that we had such a hard time even seeing where we were going.

The morning view after the fog.

Yes, there was snow and ice.

Our fist night we were running late so couldn't pass the border, so we decided to find some backpackers to stay at. After being lost for awhile and driving in the absolute dark through the bush we found a guest house in the absolute middle of no where.

It was litterally so dark that night that we couldn't even see where the view. The next morning we woke up to this view that absolutley took my breath away.

After driving like a mad man to reach the border we got there about 20min. late. Begged the officer to please let us through since we had no where to stay that night in Lesotho. He yelled at us telling us that we should learn to tell time and after scaring us, he stamped our passports and let us through.