C'est la vie

QUOTES TO LIVE BY; To accomplish great things, we must not only dream, but act; It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult; Smile: if you can't lift the corners, let the middle sag; You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

So where have you been the last few days

So where exactly have I been the last few days? People are asking. Yeah, I know you keep calling, but I'm never home, and no I'm not out of town just MIA. Don't worry I haven't been on some exciting trip, but rather the opposite. I've been locking myself up at the CUTV centre catching up on all my Global Change: Economy, Culture, and Environment ITV lectures. This is what happens when you procastonate and loose 4 lecture worth of notes (you end up having to rewatch all those lectures, plus the 4 lecture you are behind on). That's 3 days straight (more than 12 hrs a day of my eyes glued to the screen). Either than studying, and going to my sister's ID Exhibition on campus to see her product demo....my week has been rather uneventful. If you haven't done so, go check the show out. http://www.id.carleton.ca/exhibition/

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Happy New Year

Yes, it is New Years for me again. So happy New Years ( to all the khmer, thais, and loation folks). The worst thing about having my New Years in April is that for as long as I can remember it's always fallen during my finals for university, which perhaps is the most stressful time. Unfortunately, I wont' be able to go the temple to celebrate the festivities with other. However, we'll have our share of treats, and great food here at home.

I love New Years, it's the best time to get a new Khmer outfit made. It's the best excuse to purchase new traditional hand woven silk fabrics to get a tailored outfit made.